Austroalpine Nappes

Alpenseminar by Madeline Richter

On the 11th of  May we had a great talk by Frau Richter on the formation and evolution of the Austroalpine Nappes. These particularly include the Silvretta, Koralpe, Ötzal and Drauzug units, which is highlighted on the figure below:

The relative location of the Austroalpine Nappes units, as highlighted above, after Frisch and Gawlick, 2003

Very soon it became clear that many developed a pain in their heads at these different names, however this pain soon subsided when we learnt that there is still much controvesy regarding how these various units are linked across different political and language boundaries. This pain had completely vanished when Frau Richter then introduced us to a more regional overview for better understanding, where Bavaric is the oldest and Juvavic is the youngest:

Overview of the major Nappes included within the Northern Calcareous Alps  Frisch and Gawlick, 2003

The depositional environments as mentioned above was then greatly discussed and put into a more regional context linked to the tectonic evolution:

The key to the formation and evolution of the Austroalpine Nappes

Importantly, the above diagram highlights how the opening of the Meliata, and later Penninic Oceans, created the rift settings for depositing the material that would form the Austroalpine Nappes. Then, the later closure of the Meliata (i.e. lower board) began thrusting and stacking these Nappes, with younger overlying older.


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